mcdreforged.handler.abstract_server_handler 源代码

import functools
import re
import time
from abc import ABC
from typing import List, Union, Iterable

import parse
from typing_extensions import override

from mcdreforged.handler.server_handler import ServerHandler
from import InfoSource, Info
from mcdreforged.utils import string_util

[文档] class AbstractServerHandler(ServerHandler, ABC): """ The abstract base class for server handler, with some common implementations """ @override def get_name(self) -> str: return string_util.hump_to_underline(type(self).__name__) @override def pre_parse_server_stdout(self, text: str) -> str: return text @override def parse_console_command(self, text: str) -> Info: if type(text) is not str: raise TypeError('The text to parse should be a string') result = Info(InfoSource.CONSOLE, text) t = time.localtime(time.time()) result.hour = t.tm_hour result.min = t.tm_min result.sec = t.tm_sec result.content = text return result
[文档] @classmethod def _get_server_stdout_raw_result(cls, text: str) -> Info: """ This method does a raw parsing and returns an almost un-parsed :class:`` object Use as the first step of the parsing process, or as the parsing result if you give up parsing this text :meta public: """ if type(text) is not str: raise TypeError('The text to parse should be a string') result = Info(InfoSource.SERVER, text) result.content = string_util.clean_console_color_code(text) return result
[文档] @classmethod def get_content_parsing_formatter(cls) -> Union[str, Iterable[str]]: """ Return a str or a str iterable that is used in method :meth:`_content_parse` for parsing These strings will be passed as the 1st parameter to ``parse.parse``, they are both supposed to contain at least the following fields: - ``hour`` - ``min`` - ``sec`` - ``logging`` - ``content`` The return value of the first succeeded ``parse.parse`` call will be used for filling fields of the :class:`` object The return value should be a constant value """ raise NotImplementedError()
@classmethod @functools.lru_cache() def _get_content_parsers(cls) -> List[parse.Parser]: """ The return value is cached for reuse. Do not modify """ formatters = cls.get_content_parsing_formatter() if isinstance(formatters, str): formatters = (formatters,) return list(map(parse.Parser, formatters)) __worlds_only_regex = re.compile(r'\w+')
[文档] @classmethod def _content_parse(cls, info: Info): """ A commonly used method to parse several generic elements from an un-parsed :class:`` object Elements expected to be parsed includes: - :attr:`info.hour <>` - :attr:`info.min <>` - :attr:`info.sec <>` - :attr:`info.logging <>` - :attr:`info.content <>` :param info: The to-be-processed :class:`` object :meta public: """ for parser in cls._get_content_parsers(): parsed = parser.parse(info.content) if parsed is not None: logging_level = parsed['logging'] if cls.__worlds_only_regex.fullmatch(logging_level) is None: # logging level should be text only, just in case # might happen in e.g. WaterfallHandler parsing "[01:23:45 INFO] [Test]: ping" continue break else: raise ValueError('Unrecognized input: ' + info.content) info.hour = parsed['hour'] info.min = parsed['min'] info.sec = parsed['sec'] info.logging_level = parsed['logging'] info.content = parsed['content']
@override def parse_server_stdout(self, text: str) -> Info: info = self._get_server_stdout_raw_result(text) self._content_parse(info) return info