
Info and InfoSource
from enum import Enum
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional

from mcdreforged.command.command_source import ConsoleCommandSource, PlayerCommandSource, \
from mcdreforged.utils import class_util
from mcdreforged.utils.exception import IllegalStateError, IllegalCallError

	from mcdreforged.mcdr_server import MCDReforgedServer
	from import ServerInterface

[文档] class InfoSource(int, Enum): """ Sources where an :class:`Info` object comes from """ SERVER = 0 """From the standard output stream of the server""" CONSOLE = 1 """From input from console"""
[文档] class Info: """ An :class:`Info` instance contains the parsed result from the server or from the console """ __id_counter = 0 def __init__(self, source: InfoSource, raw_content: str): int = Info.__id_counter """A monotonously increasing unique id""" Info.__id_counter += 1 self.__mcdr_server: Optional['MCDReforgedServer'] = None self.__send_to_server = True self.__command_source = None # ----------------- # Public fields # ----------------- self.hour: Optional[int] = None """Time information from the parsed text - hour""" self.min: Optional[int] = None """Time information from the parsed text - minute""" self.sec: Optional[int] = None """Time information from the parsed text - second""" self.raw_content: str = raw_content """ Very raw unparsed content from the server stdout. It's also the content to be echoed to the stdout """ self.content: Optional[str] = None """ The parsed message text If the text is sent by a player it will be what the player said. Otherwise it will be the content that removes stuffs like timestamp or thread name """ self.__player: Optional[str] = None # See the player property self.source: InfoSource = source """ A int (actually :class:`InfoSource`, a subclass of int) representing the the type of the info For info from the server, its value is ``0`` For info from the console, its value is ``1`` See :class:`InfoSource` for all possible values """ self.logging_level: Optional[str] = None """The logging level of the server's stdout, such as ``"INFO"`` or ``"WARN"``""" # ----------------- # Caches # ----------------- self.__is_user: bool = False self.__update_cache() def __update_cache(self): self.__is_user = self.is_from_console or self.is_player @property def player(self) -> Optional[str]: """ The name of the player If it's not sent by a player the value will be None """ return self.__player @player.setter def player(self, player: str): self.__player = player self.__update_cache() @property def is_from_console(self) -> bool: """ If the source of the info is :attr:`InfoSource.CONSOLE` (``1``), i.e. from the console """ return self.source == InfoSource.CONSOLE @property def is_from_server(self) -> bool: """ If the source of the info is :attr:`InfoSource.SERVER` (``0``), i.e. from the server """ return self.source == InfoSource.SERVER @property def is_player(self) -> bool: """ If the source is from a player in the server """ return self.is_from_server and self.player is not None @property def is_user(self) -> bool: """ If the source is from a user, i.e. if the source is from the console or from a player in the server """ return self.__is_user # -------------- # API # -------------- def __assert_attached(self): if self.__mcdr_server is None: raise IllegalStateError('MCDR server is not attached to this Info instance yet') def attach_mcdr_server(self, mcdr_server: 'MCDReforgedServer'): """ **Not public API** :meta private: """ if self.__mcdr_server is not None and self.__mcdr_server is not mcdr_server: raise IllegalStateError('An Info instance can only attach one MCDR server') self.__mcdr_server = mcdr_server
[文档] def get_server(self) -> 'ServerInterface': """ Return the server interface instance """ return self.__mcdr_server.basic_server_interface
[文档] def get_command_source(self) -> Optional[InfoCommandSource]: """ Extract a command source object from this object: * :class:`~mcdreforged.command.command_source.ConsoleCommandSource` if this info is from console * :class:`~mcdreforged.command.command_source.PlayerCommandSource` if this info is from a player in the server :return: The command source instance, or None if it can't extract a command source """ self.__assert_attached() if self.__command_source is None: if self.is_from_console: self.__command_source = ConsoleCommandSource(self.__mcdr_server, self) elif self.is_player: self.__command_source = PlayerCommandSource(self.__mcdr_server, self, self.player) return self.__command_source
[文档] def to_command_source(self) -> InfoCommandSource: """ The same to method :meth:`get_command_source`, but it raises a :class:`~mcdreforged.utils.exception.IllegalCallError` if it can't extract a command source :raise IllegalCallError: if a command source cannot be extracted from this object """ source = self.get_command_source() if source is None: raise IllegalCallError() return source
[文档] def should_send_to_server(self) -> bool: """ Representing if MCDR should send the content to the standard input stream of the server if this info is input from the console """ return self.__send_to_server
[文档] def cancel_send_to_server(self) -> None: """ Prevent this info from being sent to the standard input stream of the server """ self.__send_to_server = False
# -------------------------------- # Formatting and Magic methods # -------------------------------- def __repr__(self): return class_util.represent(self) def __deepcopy__(self, memo: dict): """ Just don't copy the mcdr_server instance """ existed = memo.get(self) if existed is not None: return existed memo[self] = dupe = Info(self.source, self.raw_content) dupe.hour, dupe.min, dupe.sec = self.hour, self.min, self.sec dupe.content = self.content dupe.player = self.player dupe.logging_level = self.logging_level return dupe