
import functools
import logging
import threading
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Callable, TYPE_CHECKING, Tuple, Any, Union, Optional, List, Dict

import psutil

from mcdreforged.command.command_source import CommandSource, PluginCommandSource, PlayerCommandSource, ConsoleCommandSource
from mcdreforged.constants.deprecations import SERVER_INTERFACE_LANGUAGE_KEYWORD
from import Info
from mcdreforged.info_reactor.server_information import ServerInformation
from mcdreforged.mcdr_state import MCDReforgedFlag
from mcdreforged.permission.permission_level import PermissionLevel, PermissionParam
from mcdreforged.plugin import plugin_factory
from mcdreforged.plugin.meta.metadata import Metadata
from mcdreforged.plugin.operation_result import PluginOperationResult, PluginResultType
from mcdreforged.plugin.plugin_event import PluginEvent, MCDRPluginEvents
from mcdreforged.plugin.type.plugin import AbstractPlugin
from mcdreforged.preference.preference_manager import PreferenceItem
from mcdreforged.translation.translation_text import RTextMCDRTranslation
from mcdreforged.utils import misc_util, file_util, class_util
from mcdreforged.utils.exception import IllegalCallError
from mcdreforged.utils.future import Future
from mcdreforged.utils.logger import MCDReforgedLogger, DebugOption
from mcdreforged.utils.types.message import MessageText
from mcdreforged.utils.types.path_like import PathLike

	from mcdreforged.mcdr_server import MCDReforgedServer
	from mcdreforged.handler.server_handler import ServerHandler
	from mcdreforged.plugin.plugin_manager import PluginManager
	from import PluginServerInterface
	from mcdreforged.plugin.type.regular_plugin import RegularPlugin

[文档] class ServerInterface: """ ServerInterface is the interface with lots of API for plugins to interact with the server. Its subclass :class:`PluginServerInterface` contains extra APIs for plugins to control the plugin itself It's recommend to use ``server`` as the variable name of the ServerInterface. This is widely used in this document """ MCDR = True """An identifier field for MCDR""" __global_instance: Optional['ServerInterface'] = None # For singleton instance storage def __init__(self, mcdr_server: 'MCDReforgedServer'): self._mcdr_server: 'MCDReforgedServer' = mcdr_server if type(self) is ServerInterface: # singleton, should only occur during MCDReforgedServer construction if ServerInterface.__global_instance is not None: self._mcdr_server.logger.warning('Double assigning the singleton instance in {}'.format(self.__class__.__name__), stack_info=True) ServerInterface.__global_instance = self @property def _plugin_manager(self) -> 'PluginManager': return self._mcdr_server.plugin_manager @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=512, typed=True) def _get_logger(self, plugin_id: str) -> MCDReforgedLogger: logger = MCDReforgedLogger(plugin_id) logger.addHandler(self._mcdr_server.logger.file_handler) return logger @property def logger(self) -> logging.Logger: """ A nice logger for you to log message to the console """ plugin = self._plugin_manager.get_current_running_plugin() if plugin is not None: return self._get_logger(plugin.get_id()) else: return self._mcdr_server.logger # ------------------------ # Instance Getters # ------------------------
[文档] @classmethod def get_instance(cls) -> Optional['ServerInterface']: """ A class method, for plugins to get a ServerInterface instance anywhere as long as MCDR is running """ return cls.__global_instance
[文档] def as_basic_server_interface(self) -> 'ServerInterface': """ Return a :class:`ServerInterface` instance. The type of the return value is exactly the :class:`ServerInterface` It's used for removing the plugin information inside :class:`PluginServerInterface` when you need to send a :class:`ServerInterface` as parameter """ return self.get_instance()
[文档] def as_plugin_server_interface(self) -> Optional['PluginServerInterface']: """ Return a :class:`PluginServerInterface` instance. If the object is exactly a :class:`PluginServerInterface` instance, return itself If the plugin context is available, return the :class:`PluginServerInterface` for the related plugin. Currently, plugin context is only available inside the following scenarios: 1. :ref:`Plugin entrypoint <plugin-entrypoint>` module loading 2. :doc:`Event listener </plugin_dev/event>` callback invocation 3. :doc:`Command </plugin_dev/command>` callback invocation """ plugin = self._plugin_manager.get_current_running_plugin() if plugin is not None: return plugin.server_interface return None
[文档] @classmethod def si(cls) -> 'ServerInterface': """ Alias / Shortform of :meth:`get_instance`, and never returns None :raise RuntimeError: If MCDR is not running """ si = cls.get_instance() if si is None: raise RuntimeError('get ServerInterface failed, MCDR is not running') return si
[文档] @classmethod def si_opt(cls) -> Optional['ServerInterface']: """ Alias / Shortform of :meth:`get_instance`, get an optional :class:`ServerInterface` instance :return: The :class:`ServerInterface` instance, or None if failed """ return cls.get_instance()
[文档] @classmethod def psi(cls) -> 'PluginServerInterface': """ Shortform of the combination of :meth:`get_instance` + :meth:`as_plugin_server_interface`, and never returns None :raise RuntimeError: Get :class:`PluginServerInterface` failed. This might occur because MCDR is not running (see :meth:`si`), or plugin context is unavailable (see :meth:`as_plugin_server_interface`) """ psi = if psi is None: raise RuntimeError('get PluginServerInterface failed, current thread {} does not contain enough plugin context'.format(threading.current_thread())) return psi
[文档] @classmethod def psi_opt(cls) -> Optional['PluginServerInterface']: """ Shortform of the combination of :meth:`get_instance` + :meth:`as_plugin_server_interface`, get an optional :class:`PluginServerInterface` instance :return: The :class:`PluginServerInterface` instance for the current plugin, or None if failed """ si = cls.get_instance() if si is not None: return si.as_plugin_server_interface() return None
# ------------------------ # Utils # ------------------------
[文档] def tr(self, translation_key: str, *args, _mcdr_tr_language: Optional[str] = None, language: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) -> MessageText: """ Return a translated text corresponded to the translation key and format the text with given args and kwargs If args or kwargs contains :class:`RText <mcdreforged.minecraft.rtext.text.RTextBase>` element, then the result will be a :class:`RText <mcdreforged.minecraft.rtext.text.RTextBase>`, otherwise the result will be a regular str If the translation key is not recognized, the return value will be the translation key itself See :ref:`here <plugin-translation>` for the ways to register translations for your plugin :param translation_key: The key of the translation :param args: The args to be formatted :param _mcdr_tr_language: Specific language to be used in this translation, or the language that MCDR is using will be used :param language: Deprecated, to be removed in v2.15. Use kwarg *_mcdr_tr_language* instead :param kwargs: The kwargs to be formatted """ if language is not None and _mcdr_tr_language is None: self.logger.warning('%s. Translation key: %s', SERVER_INTERFACE_LANGUAGE_KEYWORD, translation_key) _mcdr_tr_language = language return, *args, _mcdr_tr_language=_mcdr_tr_language, **kwargs)
[文档] def rtr(self, translation_key: str, *args, **kwargs) -> RTextMCDRTranslation: """ Return a :class:`~mcdreforged.translation.translation_text.RTextMCDRTranslation` component, that only translates itself right before displaying or serializing Using this method instead of :meth:`tr` allows you to display your texts in :ref:`user's preferred language <preference-language>` automatically Of course, you can construct :class:`~mcdreforged.translation.translation_text.RTextMCDRTranslation` yourself instead of using this method if you want :param translation_key: The key of the translation :param args: The args to be formatted :param kwargs: The kwargs to be formatted .. versionadded:: v2.1.0 """ text = RTextMCDRTranslation(translation_key, *args, **kwargs) text.set_translator( # not that necessary tbh, just in case != ServerInterface.get_instance().tr somehow return text
[文档] def has_translation(self, translation_key: str, *, language: Optional[str] = None, no_auto_fallback: bool = False): """ Check if the given translation exists Notes that if the current language fails, MCDR will try to use "en_us" for a second attempt. If you don't want this auto-fallback behavior, set argument *no_auto_fallback* to True Also, you don't need to pass ``*args`` and ``**kwargs`` for the translation into this method, because existence check doesn't need those :param translation_key: The key of the translation :keyword language: Optional, the language to check for translation key existence :keyword no_auto_fallback: When set to True, MCDR will not fall back to "en_us" and have another translation try, if translation failed .. versionadded:: v2.12.0 """ kwargs = dict( _mcdr_tr_language=language, _mcdr_tr_allow_failure=False ) if no_auto_fallback: kwargs.update(_mcdr_tr_fallback_language=None) try:, **kwargs) except KeyError: return False else: return True
# ------------------------ # Server Control # ------------------------
[文档] def start(self) -> bool: """ Start the server. Return if the action succeed. If the server is running or being starting by other plugin it will return ``False`` :return: If the operation succeed. The operation fails if the server is already started, or cannot start due to invalid command or current MCDR state """ return self._mcdr_server.start_server()
[文档] def stop(self) -> bool: """ Soft shutting down the server by sending the correct stop command to the server This option will not stop MCDR. MCDR will keep running unless :meth:`exit` is invoked :return: If the operation succeed. The operation fails if the server is already stopped """ self._mcdr_server.remove_flag(MCDReforgedFlag.EXIT_AFTER_STOP) return self._mcdr_server.stop(forced=False)
[文档] def kill(self) -> bool: """ Kill the entire server process group. A hard shutting down MCDR will keep running unless :meth:`exit` is invoked :return: If the operation succeed. The operation fails if the server is already stopped """ return self._mcdr_server.stop(forced=True)
[文档] def wait_until_stop(self) -> None: """ Wait until the server is stopped .. note:: The current thread will be blocked """ cv = self._mcdr_server.server_state_cv with cv: while self.is_server_running(): cv.wait(0.1)
[文档] def wait_for_start(self) -> None: """ Wait until the server is able to start Actually it's an alias of :meth:`wait_until_stop` """ self.wait_until_stop()
[文档] def restart(self) -> bool: """ Restart the server It will first :meth:`soft stop <stop>` the server and then :meth:`wait <wait_for_start>` until the server is stopped, finally :meth:`start <start>` the server up :return: If the operation succeed. The operation fails if the server is already stopped """ if not self.stop(): return False self.wait_for_start() return self.start()
[文档] def stop_exit(self) -> bool: """ :meth:`soft stop <stop>` the server and exit MCDR :return: If the operation succeed. The operation fails if the server is already stopped """ ok = self._mcdr_server.stop(forced=False) if ok: self._mcdr_server.add_flag(MCDReforgedFlag.EXIT_AFTER_STOP) return ok
[文档] def exit(self) -> bool: """ Exit MCDR when the server is stopped Basically it's the same to invoking :meth:`set_exit_after_stop_flag` with parameter ``True``, but with an extra server not running check Example usage:: server.stop() # Stop the server # do something A server.wait_for_start() # Make sure the server is fully stopped. It's necessary to run it in your custom thread # do something B server.exit() # Exit MCDR :return: If the operation succeed. The operation fails if the server is still running """ if self._mcdr_server.is_server_running(): return False self._mcdr_server.add_flag(MCDReforgedFlag.EXIT_AFTER_STOP) return True
[文档] def set_exit_after_stop_flag(self, flag_value: bool) -> None: """ Set the flag that indicating if MCDR should exit when the server has stopped If set to ``True``, after the server stops MCDR will exit, otherwise (set to ``False``) MCDR will just keep running The flag value will be set to ``True`` everytime when the server starts The flag value is displayed in line 5 in command ``!!MCDR status`` """ if flag_value: self._mcdr_server.add_flag(MCDReforgedFlag.EXIT_AFTER_STOP) else: self._mcdr_server.remove_flag(MCDReforgedFlag.EXIT_AFTER_STOP)
[文档] def is_server_running(self) -> bool: """ Return if the server is running """ return self._mcdr_server.is_server_running()
[文档] def is_server_startup(self) -> bool: """ Return if the server has started up """ return self._mcdr_server.is_server_startup()
[文档] def is_rcon_running(self) -> bool: """ Return if MCDR's rcon is running """ return self._mcdr_server.rcon_manager.is_running()
[文档] def get_server_pid(self) -> Optional[int]: """ Return the pid of the server process Notes the process with this pid is a bash process, which is the parent process of real server process you might be interested in :return: The pid of the server. None if the server is stopped """ if self._mcdr_server.process is not None: return return None
[文档] def get_server_pid_all(self) -> List[int]: """ Return a list of pid of all processes in the server's process group :return: A list of pid. It will be empty if the server is stopped or the pid query failed .. versionadded:: v2.6.0 """ pids = [] if self._mcdr_server.process is not None: try: pids.append( for process in psutil.Process( pids.append( except psutil.NoSuchProcess: pids.clear() return pids
[文档] def get_server_information(self) -> ServerInformation: """ Return a :class:`~mcdreforged.info_reactor.server_information.ServerInformation` object indicating the information of the current server, interred from the output of the server It's field(s) might be None if the server is offline, or the related information has not been parsed .. versionadded:: v2.1.0 """ return self._mcdr_server.server_information.copy()
# ------------------------ # Text Interaction # ------------------------
[文档] def execute(self, text: str, *, encoding: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """ Execute a server command by sending the command content to server's standard input stream .. seealso:: :meth:`execute_command` if you want to execute command in MCDR's command system :param text: The content of the command you want to send :keyword encoding: The encoding method for the text. Leave it empty to use the encoding method from the configuration of MCDR """ logger = self.logger if isinstance(logger, MCDReforgedLogger): # make type checker happy logger.debug('Sending command "{}"'.format(text), option=DebugOption.PLUGIN) self._mcdr_server.send(text, encoding=encoding)
@property def __server_handler(self) -> 'ServerHandler': return self._mcdr_server.server_handler_manager.get_current_handler()
[文档] def tell(self, player: str, text: MessageText, *, encoding: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """ Use command like ``/tellraw`` to send the message to the specific player :param player: The name of the player you want to tell :param text: The message you want to send to the player :keyword encoding: The encoding method for the text. Leave it empty to use the encoding method from the configuration of MCDR """ with RTextMCDRTranslation.language_context(self._mcdr_server.preference_manager.get_preferred_language(player)): command = self.__server_handler.get_send_message_command(player, text, self.get_server_information()) if command is not None: self.execute(command, encoding=encoding)
[文档] def say(self, text: MessageText, *, encoding: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """ Use command like ``/tellraw @a`` to broadcast the message in game :param text: The message you want to send :keyword encoding: The encoding method for the text. Leave it empty to use the encoding method from the configuration of MCDR """ command = self.__server_handler.get_broadcast_message_command(text, self.get_server_information()) if command is not None: self.execute(command, encoding=encoding)
[文档] def broadcast(self, text: MessageText, *, encoding: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """ Broadcast the message in game and to the console If the server is not running, send the message to console only :param text: The message you want to send :keyword encoding: The encoding method for the text. Leave it empty to use the encoding method from the configuration of MCDR """ if self.is_server_running(): self.say(text, encoding=encoding) with RTextMCDRTranslation.language_context(self._mcdr_server.preference_manager.get_console_preference().language): misc_util.print_text_to_console(self.logger, text)
# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
[文档] def reply(self, info: Info, text: MessageText, *, encoding: Optional[str] = None, console_text: Optional[MessageText] = None): """ Reply to the source of the Info If the Info is from a player, then use tell to reply the player; if the Info is from the console, then use ```` to output to the console; In the rest of the situations, the Info is not from a user, a :class:`~mcdreforged.utils.exception.IllegalCallError` is raised :param info: the Info you want to reply to :param text: The message you want to send :keyword encoding: The encoding method for the text :keyword console_text: If it's specified, *console_text* will be used instead of text when replying to console :raise IllegalCallError: If the Info is not from a user """ source = info.get_command_source() if source is None: raise IllegalCallError('Cannot reply to the given info instance') source.reply(text, encoding=encoding, console_text=console_text)
# ------------------------ # Plugin Queries # ------------------------ def __existed_plugin_info_getter(self, plugin_id: str, handler: Callable[['AbstractPlugin'], Any], *, regular: bool): if regular: plugin = self._plugin_manager.get_regular_plugin_from_id(plugin_id) else: plugin = self._plugin_manager.get_plugin_from_id(plugin_id) if plugin is not None: return handler(plugin) return None
[文档] def get_plugin_metadata(self, plugin_id: str) -> Optional[Metadata]: """ Return the metadata of the specified plugin, or None if the plugin doesn't exist :param plugin_id: The plugin id of the plugin to query metadata """ return self.__existed_plugin_info_getter(plugin_id, lambda plugin: plugin.get_metadata(), regular=False)
[文档] def get_plugin_file_path(self, plugin_id: str) -> Optional[str]: """ Return the file path of the specified plugin, or None if the plugin doesn't exist :param plugin_id: The plugin id of the plugin to query file path """ return self.__existed_plugin_info_getter(plugin_id, lambda plugin: plugin.plugin_path, regular=False)
[文档] def get_plugin_instance(self, plugin_id: str) -> Optional[Any]: """ Return the :ref:`entrypoint <plugin-entrypoint>` module instance of the specific plugin, or None if the plugin doesn't exist If the target plugin is a :ref:`solo plugin <plugin-format-solo>` and it needs to react to events from MCDR, it's quite important to use this instead of manually import the plugin you want, since it's the only way to make your plugin be able to access the same plugin instance to MCDR Example usage: The entrypoint module of my API plugin with id ``my_api``:: def some_api(item): pass Another plugin that needs my API plugin:: server.get_plugin_instance('my_api').some_api(an_item) :param plugin_id: The plugin id of the plugin you want to get entrypoint module instance :return: A entrypoint module instance, or None if the plugin doesn't exist """ return self.__existed_plugin_info_getter(plugin_id, lambda plugin: plugin.entry_module_instance, regular=True)
[文档] def get_plugin_list(self) -> List[str]: """ Return a list containing all **loaded** plugin id like ``["my_plugin", "another_plugin"]`` """ return [plugin.get_id() for plugin in self._plugin_manager.get_regular_plugins()]
def __get_files_in_plugin_directories(self) -> List[str]: result: List[Path] = [] for plugin_directory in self._plugin_manager.plugin_directories: result.extend(file_util.list_all(plugin_directory)) return list(map(str, result))
[文档] def get_unloaded_plugin_list(self) -> List[str]: """ Return a list containing all **unloaded** plugin file path like ``["plugins/MyPlugin.mcdr"]`` .. versionadded:: v2.3.0 """ def predicate(file_path: str) -> bool: return not self._plugin_manager.contains_plugin_file(file_path) and plugin_factory.is_plugin(file_path) return list(filter(predicate, self.__get_files_in_plugin_directories()))
[文档] def get_disabled_plugin_list(self) -> List[str]: """ Return a list containing all **disabled** plugin file path like ["plugins/MyPlugin.mcdr.disabled"] .. versionadded:: v2.3.0 """ def predicate(file_path: str) -> bool: return plugin_factory.is_disabled_plugin(file_path) return list(filter(predicate, self.__get_files_in_plugin_directories()))
[文档] def get_all_metadata(self) -> Dict[str, Metadata]: """ Return a dict containing metadata of all loaded plugin with (plugin_id, metadata) as key-value pair """ result = {} for plugin in self._plugin_manager.get_all_plugins(): result[plugin.get_id()] = plugin.get_metadata() return result
# ------------------------ # Plugin Operations # ------------------------ # Notes: All plugin manipulation will trigger a dependency check, which might cause unwanted plugin operations def __not_loaded_regular_plugin_manipulate( self, plugin_file_path: PathLike, handler: Callable[['PluginManager'], Callable[[Path], Future[PluginOperationResult]]] ) -> bool: """ Manipulate a not loaded regular plugin from a given file path :param plugin_file_path: The path to the not loaded new plugin :param handler: What you want to do with Plugin Manager to the given file path :return: If success """ plugin_file_path = Path(plugin_file_path) future: Future[PluginOperationResult] = handler(self._plugin_manager)(plugin_file_path) if future.is_finished(): return future.get().get_if_success(PluginResultType.LOAD) # the operations are always loading a plugin else: return False # TODO handle unknown result caused by chained sync plugin operation def __existed_regular_plugin_manipulate( self, plugin_id: str, handler: Callable[['PluginManager'], Callable[['RegularPlugin'], Future[PluginOperationResult]]], result_type: PluginResultType ) -> Optional[bool]: """ Manipulate a loaded regular plugin from a given plugin id :param plugin_id: The plugin id of the plugin you want to manipulate :param handler: What callable you want to use with Plugin Manager to the plugin id, the returned callable accepts the plugin instance :param result_type: The type of the result. It's used to determine how to get the single operation result from the plugin operation result. It's used to determine if the operation succeeded :return: If success, None if plugin not found """ plugin = self._plugin_manager.get_regular_plugin_from_id(plugin_id) if plugin is not None: future = handler(self._plugin_manager)(plugin) if future.is_finished(): return future.get().get_if_success(result_type) else: return None return None
[文档] def load_plugin(self, plugin_file_path: str) -> bool: """ Load a plugin from the given file path :param plugin_file_path: The file path of the plugin to load. Example: "plugins/" :return: If the plugin gets loaded successfully """ def get_handler(mgr: 'PluginManager'): return mgr.load_plugin return self.__not_loaded_regular_plugin_manipulate(plugin_file_path, get_handler)
[文档] def enable_plugin(self, plugin_file_path: str) -> bool: """ Enable a disabled plugin from the given path :param plugin_file_path: The file path of the plugin to enable. Example: "plugins/" :return: If the plugin gets enabled successfully """ def get_handler(mgr: 'PluginManager'): return mgr.enable_plugin return self.__not_loaded_regular_plugin_manipulate(plugin_file_path, get_handler)
[文档] def reload_plugin(self, plugin_id: str) -> Optional[bool]: """ Reload a plugin specified by plugin id :param plugin_id: The id of the plugin to reload. Example: ``"my_plugin"`` :return: A bool indicating if the plugin gets reloaded successfully, or None if plugin not found """ def get_handler(mgr: 'PluginManager'): return mgr.reload_plugin return self.__existed_regular_plugin_manipulate(plugin_id, get_handler, PluginResultType.RELOAD)
[文档] def unload_plugin(self, plugin_id: str) -> Optional[bool]: """ Unload a plugin specified by plugin id :param plugin_id: The id of the plugin to unload. Example: ``"my_plugin"`` :return: A bool indicating if the plugin gets unloaded successfully, or None if plugin not found """ def get_handler(mgr: 'PluginManager'): return mgr.unload_plugin return self.__existed_regular_plugin_manipulate(plugin_id, get_handler, PluginResultType.UNLOAD)
[文档] def disable_plugin(self, plugin_id: str) -> Optional[bool]: """ Disable an unloaded plugin specified by plugin id :param plugin_id: The id of the plugin to disable. Example: ``"my_plugin"`` :return: A bool indicating if the plugin gets disabled successfully, or None if plugin not found """ def get_handler(mgr: 'PluginManager'): return mgr.disable_plugin return self.__existed_regular_plugin_manipulate(plugin_id, get_handler, PluginResultType.UNLOAD)
[文档] def refresh_all_plugins(self) -> None: """ Reload all plugins, load all new plugins and then unload all removed plugins """ self._plugin_manager.refresh_all_plugins()
[文档] def refresh_changed_plugins(self) -> None: """ Reload all **changed** plugins, load all new plugins and then unload all removed plugins """ self._plugin_manager.refresh_changed_plugins()
def manipulate_plugins( self, *, load: Optional[List[str]] = None, # file path unload: Optional[List[str]] = None, # plugin id reload: Optional[List[str]] = None, # plugin id enable: Optional[List[str]] = None, # file path disable: Optional[List[str]] = None, # plugin id ) -> Optional[bool]: """ A highly-customizable plugin manipulate API that provides fine-grain control on what to be manipulated: load / unload / reload / enable / disable the provided plugins, in a single action .. note:: Here some different plugin "reload" cases and what actions you should actually provide * ``MyPlugin.mcdr`` remains unchanged: reload "my_plugin" * ``MyPlugin.mcdr`` changes its content: reload "my_plugin" * ``MyPlugin.mcdr`` is replaced with an upgrade ``MyPlugin_v2.mcdr``: unload "my_plugin" and load "MyPlugin_v2.mcdr" :param load: An optional plugin file path list containing plugins to be loaded :param unload: An optional plugin file path list containing plugins to be loaded :param reload: An optional plugin file path list containing plugins to be loaded :param enable: An optional plugin file path list containing plugins to be loaded :param disable: An optional plugin file path list containing plugins to be loaded :return: true if all operation succeeded, false if failed, None if it's a not-suggested chained sync plugin operation .. versionadded:: v2.13.0 """ def map_to_path(paths: Optional[List[str]]) -> Optional[List[Path]]: if paths is not None: return list(map(Path, paths)) else: return None def map_to_regular(plugin_ids: Optional[List[str]]) -> Optional[List['RegularPlugin']]: if plugin_ids is not None: return list(map(self._plugin_manager.get_regular_plugin_from_id, plugin_ids)) else: return None future = self._plugin_manager.manipulate_plugins( load=map_to_path(load), unload=map_to_regular(unload), reload=map_to_regular(reload), enable=map_to_path(enable), disable=map_to_regular(disable), ) if future.is_finished(): por = future.get() return por.load_result.is_success_or_empty() and por.reload_result.is_success_or_empty() and por.unload_result.is_success_or_empty() else: return False # chained sync plugin operation
[文档] def dispatch_event(self, event: PluginEvent, args: Tuple[Any, ...], *, on_executor_thread: bool = True) -> None: """ Dispatch an event to all loaded plugins The event will be immediately dispatch if it's on the task executor thread, or gets enqueued if it's on other thread .. note:: You cannot dispatch an event with the same event id to any MCDR built-in event Example: For the event dispatcher plugin:: server.dispatch_event(LiteralEvent('my_plugin.my_event'), (1, 'a')) For the event listener plugin:: def do_something(server: PluginServerInterface, int_data: int, str_data: str): pass server.register_event_listener('my_plugin.my_event', do_something) :param event: The event to dispatch. It needs to be a :class:`~mcdreforged.plugin.plugin_event.PluginEvent` instance. For simple usage, you can create a :class:`~mcdreforged.plugin.plugin_event.LiteralEvent` instance for this argument :param args: The argument that will be used to invoke the event listeners. An :class:`PluginServerInterface` instance will be automatically added to the beginning of the argument list :keyword on_executor_thread: By default the event will be dispatched in a new task in task executor thread If it's set to False. The event will be dispatched immediately """ class_util.check_type(event, PluginEvent) if MCDRPluginEvents.contains_id( raise ValueError('Cannot dispatch event with already exists event id {}'.format( self._plugin_manager.dispatch_event(event, args, on_executor_thread=on_executor_thread)
# ------------------------ # Configuration # ------------------------
[文档] def get_mcdr_language(self) -> str: """ Return the current language MCDR is using """ return self._mcdr_server.translation_manager.language
[文档] def get_mcdr_config(self) -> dict: """ Return the current config of MCDR as a dict """ return self._mcdr_server.config.serialize()
[文档] def modify_mcdr_config(self, changes: Dict[Union[Tuple[str], str], Any]): """ Modify the configuration of MCDR The modification will be written to the disk and take effect immediately Currently, MCDR will not validate the type of the value Example usages:: server.modify_mcdr_config({'encoding': 'utf8'}) server.modify_mcdr_config({'rcon.address': '', 'rcon.port': 23000}) server.modify_mcdr_config({('debug', 'command'): True}) :param changes: A dict storing the changes to the config. For the entries of the dict: The key can be a tuple storing the path to the config value, or a str that concat the path with ``"."``; The value is the config value to be set .. versionadded:: v2.7.0 """ self._mcdr_server.config_manager.set_values(changes) self._mcdr_server.on_config_changed(log=False)
[文档] def reload_config_file(self, *, log: bool = False): """ Reload the configuration of MCDR from config file It has the same effect as command ``!!MCDR reload config`` :keyword log: If the config changing messages should be logged .. versionadded:: v2.7.0 """ self._mcdr_server.load_config(log=log)
# ------------------------ # Permission # ------------------------
[文档] def get_permission_level(self, obj: Union[str, Info, CommandSource]) -> int: """ Return an int indicating permission level number the given object has The object could be a str indicating the name of a player, an :class:`` instance or a :class:`command source <mcdreforged.command.command_source.CommandSource>` :param obj: The object you are querying :raise TypeError: If the type of the given object is not supported for permission querying """ if isinstance(obj, Info): # Info instance obj = obj.get_command_source() if obj is None: raise TypeError('The Info instance is not from a user') if isinstance(obj, CommandSource): # Command Source return obj.get_permission_level() elif isinstance(obj, str): # Player name return self._mcdr_server.permission_manager.get_player_permission_level(obj) else: raise TypeError('Unsupported permission level querying for type {}'.format(type(obj)))
[文档] def set_permission_level(self, player: str, value: PermissionParam) -> None: """ Set the permission level of the given player :param player: The name of the player that you want to set his/her permission level :param value: The target permission level you want to set the player to. It can be an int or a str as long as it's related to the permission level. Available examples: ``1``, ``"1"``, ``"user"`` :raise TypeError: If the value parameter doesn't properly represent a permission level """ level = PermissionLevel.get_level(value) if level is None: raise TypeError('Parameter level needs to be a permission related value') self._mcdr_server.permission_manager.set_permission_level(player, level)
[文档] def reload_permission_file(self): """ Reload the permission of MCDR from permission file It has the same effect as command ``!!MCDR reload permission`` .. versionadded:: v2.7.0 """ self._mcdr_server.permission_manager.load_permission_file()
# ------------------------ # Command # ------------------------
[文档] def get_plugin_command_source(self) -> PluginCommandSource: """ Return a simple plugin command source for e.g. command execution It's not player or console, it has maximum permission level, it uses :attr:`logger` for replying """ return PluginCommandSource(self, None)
[文档] def execute_command(self, command: str, source: CommandSource = None) -> None: """ Execute a single command in MCDR's command system .. seealso:: :meth:`execute` if you want to send some text to server's standard input stream :param command: The command you want to execute :param source: The command source that is used to execute the command. If it's not specified MCDR will use :meth:`get_plugin_command_source` to get a fallback command source """ if source is None: source = self.get_plugin_command_source() class_util.check_type(command, str) class_util.check_type(source, CommandSource) self._mcdr_server.command_manager.execute_command(command, source)
# ------------------------ # Preference # ------------------------
[文档] def get_preference(self, obj: Union[str, PlayerCommandSource, ConsoleCommandSource]) -> PreferenceItem: """ Get the MCDR preference of the given object The object can be a str indicating the name of a player, or a command source. For command source, only :class:`~mcdreforged.command.command_source.PlayerCommandSource` and :class:`~mcdreforged.command.command_source.ConsoleCommandSource` are supported :param obj: The object to query preference :raise TypeError: If the type of the given object is not supported for preference querying .. versionadded:: v2.1.0 """ return self._mcdr_server.preference_manager.get_preference(obj, strict_type_check=True)
[文档] def get_default_preference(self) -> PreferenceItem: """ Get the default MCDR preference .. versionadded:: v2.8.0 """ return self._mcdr_server.preference_manager.get_default_preference()
[文档] def set_preference(self, obj: Union[str, PlayerCommandSource, ConsoleCommandSource], preference: PreferenceItem): """ Set the MCDR preference of the given object The object can be a str indicating the name of a player, or a command source. For command source, only :class:`~mcdreforged.command.command_source.PlayerCommandSource` and :class:`~mcdreforged.command.command_source.ConsoleCommandSource` are supported :param obj: The object to set preference :param preference: The preference to be set :raise TypeError: If the type of the given object is not supported for preference querying .. versionadded:: v2.8.0 """ return self._mcdr_server.preference_manager.set_preference(obj, preference)
# ------------------------ # Misc # ------------------------
[文档] def is_on_executor_thread(self) -> bool: """ Return if the current thread is the task executor thread Task executor thread is the main thread to parse messages and trigger listeners where some ServerInterface APIs are required to be invoked on """ return self._mcdr_server.task_executor.is_on_thread()
[文档] def rcon_query(self, command: str) -> Optional[str]: """ Send command to the server through rcon connection :param command: The command you want to send to the rcon server :return: The result that server returned from rcon. Return None if rcon is not running or rcon query failed """ return self._mcdr_server.rcon_manager.send_command(command)
[文档] def schedule_task(self, callable_: Callable[[], Any], *, block: bool = False, timeout: Optional[float] = None) -> None: """ Schedule a callback task to be run in task executor thread :param callable_: The callable object to be run. It should accept 0 parameter :keyword block: If blocks until the callable finished execution :keyword timeout: The timeout of the blocking operation if ``block=True`` """ self._mcdr_server.task_executor.add_regular_task(callable_, block=block, timeout=timeout)