mcdreforged.command.builder.nodes.special 源代码

from typing import Iterable

from mcdreforged.command.builder.common import CommandContext, ParseResult
from mcdreforged.command.builder.nodes.basic import Literal

[文档] class CountingLiteral(Literal): """ A special literal node with an extra ability: store how many times it got visited during the command parsing in the command context .. versionadded:: v2.12.0 """ def __init__(self, literal: str or Iterable[str], counter_key: str): super().__init__(literal) self.counter_key = counter_key def _on_visited(self, context: CommandContext, parsed_result: ParseResult): context[self.counter_key] = context.get(self.counter_key, 0) + 1 def __repr__(self): return 'CountingLiteral[literals={},counter_key={}]'.format(self.literals, self.counter_key)