
from abc import ABC, ABCMeta
from typing import Union, Optional, Dict, Iterator, TypeVar, Generic

from colorama import Fore, Style

from mcdreforged.utils import class_util, string_util

class __NamedObject(ABC):
	def name(self) -> str:
		The unique identifier used in :class:`__RRegistry`
		raise NotImplementedError()

T = TypeVar('T', bound=__NamedObject)

class __RRegistry(ABCMeta, Generic[T]):
	def __init__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
		super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
		cls._registry: Dict[str, T] = {}

	def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[T]:
		return iter(self._registry.values())

	def __contains__(self, item_name: str) -> bool:
		return item_name in self._registry

	def __getitem__(self, item_name: str) -> T:
		return self._registry[item_name]

	def register_item(self, name: str, item: T):
		from typing import get_type_hints
		assert name in get_type_hints(self), 'registering unknown item {} for class {} ({})'.format(name, self, type(self))

		self._registry[] = item
		setattr(self,, item)

[文档] class RItem(__NamedObject): """ A general Minecraft text style item """ @property def name(self) -> str: """ Its value in Minecraft text component """ raise NotImplementedError()
[文档] class RItemClassic(RItem, ABC): """ A type of :class:`RItem` that can be represented with a classic "§"-prefixed formatting code, or a "\\\\033[31m" styled console ANSI escape code """ def __init__(self, name: str, mc_code: str, console_code: str): self.__name: str = name assert len(mc_code) == 2 and mc_code[0] == '§' self.__mc_code: str = mc_code self.__console_code: str = console_code @property def name(self) -> str: return self.__name @property def mc_code(self) -> str: """ Its code in Minecraft, with "§" prefix """ return self.__mc_code @property def console_code(self) -> str: """ Its code in console, i.e. ANSI escape code It might be an empty str if there's no appropriate code """ return self.__console_code def __repr__(self) -> str: return '{}[name={},mc_code={},console_code={}]'.format(type(self).__name__,, self.mc_code, repr(self.console_code))
# ------------------------------------------------ # Text Color # ------------------------------------------------ class __RColorMeta(__RRegistry['RColor']): pass
[文档] class RColor(RItem, ABC, metaclass=__RColorMeta): """ Minecraft text colors """ black: 'RColorClassic' dark_blue: 'RColorClassic' dark_green: 'RColorClassic' dark_aqua: 'RColorClassic' dark_red: 'RColorClassic' dark_purple: 'RColorClassic' gold: 'RColorClassic' gray: 'RColorClassic' dark_gray: 'RColorClassic' blue: 'RColorClassic' green: 'RColorClassic' aqua: 'RColorClassic' red: 'RColorClassic' light_purple: 'RColorClassic' yellow: 'RColorClassic' white: 'RColorClassic' reset: 'RColorClassic' def __init__(self, rgb_code: int): class_util.check_type(rgb_code, int) self._rgb_code: int = rgb_code # e.g. 0xRRGGBB
[文档] @classmethod def from_mc_value(cls, value: str) -> 'RColor': """ A factory function to create a :class:`RColor` object from a valid Minecraft color value :param value: The value of the ``color`` field in Minecraft text component. e.g. ``"red"``, ``"blue"``, ``"#00AAFF"`` :return: A corresponding :class:`RColor` object :raise ValueError: If the given value is not a valid Minecraft color """ if value in cls._registry: return cls._registry[value] else: return RColorRGB.from_code(value)
# RGB attributes @property def r(self) -> int: """ The red portion of the color in [0, 255] """ return (self._rgb_code >> 16) & 0xFF @property def g(self) -> int: """ The green portion of the color in [0, 255] """ return (self._rgb_code >> 8) & 0xFF @property def b(self) -> int: """ The blue portion of the color in [0, 255] """ return (self._rgb_code >> 0) & 0xFF
def __register_classic_rcolor(): def register(name: str, rgb_hex: int, mc_code: str, console_code: str): RColor.register_item(name, RColorClassic(name, rgb_hex, mc_code, console_code)) register('black', 0x000000, '§0', Fore.BLACK) register('dark_blue', 0x0000AA, '§1', Fore.BLUE) register('dark_green', 0x00AA00, '§2', Fore.GREEN) register('dark_aqua', 0x00AAAA, '§3', Fore.CYAN) register('dark_red', 0xAA0000, '§4', Fore.RED) register('dark_purple', 0xAA00AA, '§5', Fore.MAGENTA) register('gold', 0xFFAA00, '§6', Fore.YELLOW) register('gray', 0xAAAAAA, '§7', Fore.WHITE + Style.DIM) register('dark_gray', 0x555555, '§8', Fore.WHITE + Style.DIM) register('blue', 0x5555FF, '§9', Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX) register('green', 0x55FF55, '§a', Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX) register('aqua', 0x55FFFF, '§b', Fore.LIGHTCYAN_EX) register('red', 0xFF5555, '§c', Fore.LIGHTRED_EX) register('light_purple', 0xFF55FF, '§d', Fore.LIGHTMAGENTA_EX) register('yellow', 0xFFFF55, '§e', Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX) register('white', 0xFFFFFF, '§f', Fore.WHITE) # default text color is white, so use 0xFFFFFF register('reset', 0xFFFFFF, '§r', Style.RESET_ALL)
[文档] class RColorClassic(RItemClassic, RColor): """ Classic Minecraft text color defined with color name .. attention:: Do not construct the class yourself. Use class fields in :class:`RColor` if you want to use classic colors """ def __init__(self, name: str, rgb_code: int, mc_code: str, console_code: str): super().__init__(name, mc_code, console_code) super(RItemClassic, self).__init__(rgb_code) self.__rgb_cache: Optional['RColorRGB'] = None
[文档] def to_rgb(self) -> 'RColorRGB': """ Converts to the corresponding :class:`RColorRGB` object with the exact same color """ if self.__rgb_cache is None: # concurrency invocation is fine self.__rgb_cache = RColorRGB(self._rgb_code) return self.__rgb_cache
[文档] class RColorRGB(RColor): """ Minecraft text color type in hexadecimal color format, with which you can specify the red / green / blue values of the color precisely .. note:: Available in Minecraft 1.16+ """
[文档] def __init__(self, rgb_code: int): """ :param rgb_code: An int in hex 0xRRGGBB format, or a str like ``"RRGGBB"``, ``"0xRRGGBB"`` or ``"#RRGGBB"`` """ class_util.check_type(rgb_code, (str, int)) super().__init__(rgb_code) self.__classic_cache: Optional['RColorClassic'] = None
[文档] @classmethod def from_code(cls, rgb_code: Union[str, int]) -> 'RColorRGB': """ A factory function to create a :class:`RColorRGB` object using a single RGB code :param rgb_code: An int in hex 0xRRGGBB format, or a str like ``"RRGGBB"``, ``"0xRRGGBB"`` or ``"#RRGGBB"`` """ class_util.check_type(rgb_code, (str, int)) if isinstance(rgb_code, str): hex_code = string_util.remove_prefix(string_util.remove_prefix(rgb_code, '0x'), '#') try: rgb_code = int(hex_code, 16) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Invalid rgb code {}'.format(repr(rgb_code))) from None return RColorRGB(rgb_code)
[文档] @classmethod def from_rgb(cls, red: int, green: int, blue: int) -> 'RColorRGB': """ A factory function to create a :class:`RColorRGB` object using 3 RGB values :param red: The red portion of the color :param green: The green portion of the color :param blue: The blue portion of the color """ return cls.from_code((red << 16) | (green << 8) | (blue << 0))
def __to_classic(self) -> 'RColorClassic': def calc_distance(x: RColorRGB, y: RColorRGB) -> int: return (x.r - y.r) ** 2 + (x.g - y.g) ** 2 + (x.b - y.b) ** 2 result: Optional[RColorClassic] = None min_distance: int = 0 for color in RColor: if isinstance(color, RColorClassic) and color != RColor.reset: # ignore reset distance = calc_distance(self, color.to_rgb()) if result is None or distance < min_distance: result = color min_distance = distance assert result is not None return result
[文档] def to_classic(self) -> 'RColorClassic': """ Converts to the :class:`RColorClassic` object with the closest Euclidean distance in the RGB color space """ if self.__classic_cache is None: # concurrency invocation is fine self.__classic_cache = self.__to_classic() return self.__classic_cache
def __repr__(self) -> str: return '{}[rgb={}]'.format(type(self).__name__, '0x{:06X}'.format(self._rgb_code)) # Interface implementation @property def name(self) -> str: return '#{:06X}'.format(self._rgb_code)
__register_classic_rcolor() # ------------------------------------------------ # Text Style # ------------------------------------------------ class __RStyleMeta(__RRegistry['RStyle']): pass
[文档] class RStyle(RItem, ABC, metaclass=__RStyleMeta): """ Minecraft text styles """ bold: 'RStyleClassic' italic: 'RStyleClassic' underlined: 'RStyleClassic' strikethrough: 'RStyleClassic' obfuscated: 'RStyleClassic'
def __register_rstyle(): def register(name: str, mc_code: str, console_code: str): RStyle.register_item(name, RStyleClassic(name, mc_code, console_code)) register('bold', '§l', Style.BRIGHT) register('italic', '§o', '') register('underlined', '§n', '') register('strikethrough', '§m', '') register('obfuscated', '§k', '')
[文档] class RStyleClassic(RItemClassic, RStyle): """ Classic Minecraft text style with corresponding "§"-prefixed formatting code """
__register_rstyle() # ------------------------------------------------ # Text Special # ------------------------------------------------ class __RActionMeta(__RRegistry['RAction']): pass
[文档] class RAction(__NamedObject, ABC, metaclass=__RActionMeta): """ Minecraft click event actions """ suggest_command: 'RAction' """Fill the chat bar with given text""" run_command: 'RAction' """ Run the given text as command (Minecraft <1.19.1) If the given text doesn't start with ``"/"``, the given text will be considered as a chat message and sent to the server, so it can be used to automatically execute MCDR command after the player click the decorated text .. attention:: In vanilla Minecraft >=1.19.1, only strings starting with ``"/"``, i.e. command strings, can be used as the text value of :attr:`run_command` action For other strings that don't start with ``"/"``, the client will reject to send the chat message See `Issue #203 <>`__ """ open_url: 'RAction' """Open given url""" open_file: 'RAction' """ Open file from given path .. note:: Actually vanilla Minecraft doesn't allow texts sent by command contain :attr:`open_file` actions, so don't be surprised if this :attr:`open_file` doesn't work """ copy_to_clipboard: 'RAction' """ Copy given text to clipboard .. note:: Available in Minecraft 1.15+ """
def __register_raction(): def register(name: str): RAction.register_item(name, _RActionImpl(name)) register('suggest_command') register('run_command') register('open_url') register('open_file') register('copy_to_clipboard') class _RActionImpl(RAction): def __init__(self, name: str): self.__name = name @property def name(self) -> str: return self.__name def __repr__(self) -> str: return '{}[name={}]'.format(type(self).__name__, __register_raction()